Saturday, March 3, 2012

Discovering the magic of Reach Out and Read on a local level


This is my February blog.  I know it is slightly delayed but I really wanted to wait and share the fieldtrip the SKY Team just came from on the 28th. We met up with the Los Angeles Program Director for Reach Out and Read, Debbie Navarro, at a local community health center in Pasadena. It was great meeting Debbie and understand her passion for her job and how much she loves what she does. Being part of that energy, and family, is really exciting. She took us in where we met with Dr. Andriette Ward. This center is vital to the community and understanding the large impact the partnership between the center and Reach Out and Read is easy to see. Andriette is extremely passionate about what she does and understands how important reading and positive reinformcement through stories can be to children. Many Reach Out and Read centers are attached to hospitals but others, like this one, are smaller and are always looking for volunteers. Through our partnership SKY is there to lend a helping hand big or small. Hearing how Andriette wants to expand the reading opportunties in her clinic lead to a conversation about murals. I have been known to paint a mean mural, my first in fourth grade for my elementary public school. Visually impactful, murals always got me excited as a child. To me they were my imagination blown up and larger then life. With that I am excited to say we will be helping painting a mural, maybe murals, with Andriette. The Sky Team is excited to be a part of enriching the children and families lives that come to the center every day.

Find your local Reach Out and Read center today by going to

 One of many doctors in the Reach Out and Read family consulting with a mother and her young child.

The joy of dicsovery and reading!

Let's help celebrate the power of reading!

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