Sunday, December 18, 2011

You Are What You Read- A great and easy way to give back this Holiday season!

SKY is super excited to be partnering with Reach Out and Read. With many synergies we both found it a great fit!

Reach Out and Read is an amazing non-profit thats goal is to get books into the hands of children by having Doctors prescribe books to children and encourage families to read together.

One of the programs they are doing is with Scholastic, the "You Are What You Read" campaign. Log onto and create your bookprint of five books that shaped and influenced your life. For every bookprint created Scholastic will donate 1 book to Reach Out and Read. A great and easy way to help foster reading and imagination with today's children. I am creating mine and the first on my list, The Neverending Story. I still reference this book today and will for many years.

Here is a clip of the kick off of the program with Whoopi!

The CEO of Reach Out and Read Earl Martin Phalen wrote the below:

Henry Drummond once said, "You will find, as you look back on your life, that the moments that stand out are the moments when you have done things for others."
During this holiday season, as we give to family and friends, we must not forget children who are growing up in poverty, the homeless, and others who may not have the resources they need.
I was inspired when Academy Award winning actress Whoopi Goldberg took time out of her busy schedule to read to children at Bellevue Hospital. Her visit was part of Scholastic's One Million Bookprints for One Million Books campaign. Scholastic's new campaign invites readers of all ages to create a "Bookprint" at the online community,
Scholastic is a partner of the early literacy initiative, Reach Out and Read, which has a site at Bellevue Hospital. As the CEO of Reach Out and Read, I was amazed when Whoopi Goldberg, an Oscar, Emmy, Tony and Grammy winner took time to read to our children -- and the impact she had on them and their parents.

This holiday season I challenge us as a nation to give to charities that expand the educational opportunities for children. Whether it's Reach Out and ReadSummer AdvantageAim HighHigher Achievement Program, or your local library - we must commit to literary and academic support for the youngest members of our society.
If you can't afford to give, then read to a group of children or donate books to a local program. As Henry Drummond said, our most unforgettable moments occur when we give to others.
Best wishes for a wonderful holiday. 

During this holiday season create your bookprint and help to put a book in a child's hand. To learn more about Reach Out and Read go to

Happy Holidays!

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