Sunday, April 22, 2012

From button sculptures to wire mesh!

Welcome Spring. Before we get excited by the new shiny object this month I have to give a shout out to Spring. Happy you are here.

As I was posting last months blog I continued to find inspirational artisits who are looking at sculpture and story telling in new ways.  They are also just really cool. 

Chinese artist Shi Jindian creates three-dimensional steel wire sculptures where the end result makes heavy objects seem light and dream like. When I first saw the below images I really loved how it showed me a new way to look at sculpture. What is trypically seen as weighted these "skeletons" are the exact opposite. Shi Jindian says that he leaves a steel "shadow". He also says they (the sculptures) also touch "the state of mind that emerges from the labour of my hands: tranquiltiy and calm."

Let me know what you think and check out more about Shi Jindian at:

Once again we are shown that the SKY is really the limit!
